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Leadership Development, Make a Better World, NSLS Blog

How Great Leaders Help Their Communities

Helping communities is what sets truly great leaders apart. At the NSLS, we believe that building leaders who make a better world is paramount, and our podcast, Motivational Mondays, highlights extraordinary individuals who embody this mission.


Leaders should help their communities because it fosters unity, addresses critical needs, and inspires others to take action. The NSLS mission emphasizes the creation of leaders dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. By supporting and uplifting those around them, leaders can drive meaningful change and set an example for future generations.


Drive Grass-Roots Action

Simone Gordon, also known as "The Black Fairy Godmother," has made a significant impact on her community through her non-profit organization. She assists families in crisis, providing essential resources like food, housing, and financial support. 

By leveraging social media, Simone has mobilized a vast network of volunteers and donors, proving that digital platforms can be powerful tools for social change. Her efforts have brought hope and stability to countless lives, showcasing the profound effect one person can have on their community.

Challenge Perceptions

Tom D’Eri is the co-founder of Rising Tide Car Wash, a business with a mission to employ individuals with autism. Inspired by his brother Andrew, who is on the autism spectrum, Tom has created over 80 jobs for people with autism, helping them build valuable skills and confidence. 

Rising Tide Car Wash is more than a business; it’s a social enterprise that challenges societal perceptions of disability and demonstrates the untapped potential within the autistic community. Tom’s work highlights the importance of inclusivity and the powerful impact of providing opportunities to marginalized groups.

OrganizE Safe Spaces

Shadille Estepan is a passionate advocate for mental health and well-being. As a dedicated community leader, she uses her platform to raise awareness about mental health issues and promote positive mental health practices. 

Shadille's initiatives include organizing community workshops, providing resources, and creating safe spaces for individuals to discuss their mental health challenges. Her commitment to mental health advocacy not only supports those in need but also fosters a culture of openness and understanding within her community.

Mentor Others

Blake Johnson is an entrepreneur and philanthropist dedicated to giving back to his community. Through his various business ventures and charitable efforts, Blake focuses on creating opportunities for underserved populations. His initiatives range from providing scholarships to mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs. 

Blake’s dedication to social responsibility exemplifies how business leaders can leverage their success to drive positive change and support community development.

Solve Problems

Dana Marlowe, the founder of Support the Girls, addresses a critical yet often overlooked need: providing bras and menstrual hygiene products to homeless women. Dana's organization has distributed millions of products globally, helping to restore dignity and comfort to countless women in need.

 Her work underscores the importance of addressing basic human needs and the impact of small acts of kindness in improving the lives of vulnerable populations.


We are always so proud to see NSLS members lead by example and it’s our honor to highlight those making a significant impact in their local communities.

Yaryna Zhurba is a shining example. The University of Alabama in Huntsville alumna created Ukrainian Puzzles to share stories from Ukraine while raising money to rebuild.

Darryl Johnson has demonstrated exceptional leadership by mentoring young people and providing them with the skills and confidence to pursue their dreams. His work has helped shape the next generation of leaders.

Alicia Johnson stands out as a true servant leader. She cofounded a nonprofit to support and provide assistance to at-risk children and students in her community.


As members of the NSLS, we are called to follow the example set by these extraordinary leaders. By identifying the needs within our own communities and taking action, we can make a significant impact.

Whether through volunteering, organizing community events, or supporting local causes, each of us has the power to contribute to a better world. Let’s embrace the NSLS mission and strive to be leaders who make a difference, one community at a time.