MAY 2023
In May, our members made some outstanding headlines. Check out the great accomplishments they made using their leadership skills this month....
The pandemic has created challenges for everyone. That’s true for students, colleges and universities, and even NSLS chapters. Many formerly vibrant,
NSLS Chief People Officer Asia Wellington spoke with Bill Banham at HRchat about openness and authenticity in the workplace. Wellington supports...
Johnston Community College (JCC) Chapter Advisor Gail Rivera says her chapter wanted to do something for first responders in their town of...
APRIL 2023
Every month, we bring you inspiring stories of our members being recognized for their exemplary leadership skills, and the headlines are...
Tara Hayman, Chapter President at Rio Salado College in Tempe, Arizona, is proud of the way her chapter came together to pull off a major community...
Joshua Jones, NSLS Chapter President for Ivy Tech Community College-Columbus (ITCC-C), says that adhering to some basic goal-setting and leadership...
MARCH 2023
Spring is here and this month, our members sprung headfirst into their leadership skills to make some major and unique headlines.
Many NSLS chapters show a strong commitment to community service. It’s one of the tenets of the NSLS mission to make a better world, and many NSLS...
At Fayetteville Technical Community College, NSLS Chapter President Delores Harper set out to increase member engagement and help them achieve their...